January 3, 2023

ESG Performance at Dandi Wembley

ESG Data

As a pioneer creating better living spaces, Dandi Living objective was to take the industry’s leading approach to actively measure and report the ESG performance of their newly finished co-living regeneration project – Dandi Wembley. 

LifeProven were appointed to develop the robust and consistent measurement and reporting framework to accurately capture, analyse and provide consistent insights to enhance performance throughout the operational lifecycle.  

The data capture and analysis framework records live operational data on a daily, monthly and quarterly basis, measuring the measuring the environmental, social and governance performance of the building, with data insights fed back to the building management team on a quarterly basis. 

This approach ensures Dandi are actively understanding how the building influences its people and the planet through use, enabling accurate data driven operational decisions to be made, with outcomes measured in real time. 

The ESG data is captured, recorded and reported year on year, ensuring the assets true operational performance is logged in an ESG Asset Ledger for ultimate transparency to demonstrate performance overtime.

ESG Measurement Framework: Operation


  • Operational Carbon Assessment - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 1, 2, 3 using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
  • Operational Carbon Risk-Assessment - Paris-Aligned Decarbonisation Analysis using Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM)


  • Health & Wellbeing - Real Estate Wellbeing Metric (REWM) used at move-In and annually to measure health & wellbeing Influence on residents, building staff and co-working occupants. 
  • Social Value In Operation - Real Estate Social Value Index to measure social value generated in local community. 
  • Operational Use Insights - Building use, occupancy an interactions levels actively monitored to understand operational outcomes of private and amenity spaces and events programme. 


  • Operational Asset Performance - Analysing building operational performance, maintenance, experiencee, complaints, Incidents to assess. 
  • Corporate Performance - Analysing business performance through management experience, policies, reporting and transparency. 

All data captured is amalgamated into a bespoke ‘Asset ESG Dashboard’ defining key insights, statistics and evidence for each individual building, which is amalgamated into a ‘Portfolio ESG Dashboard’ communicating your wider ESG benefits.

Working with the amazing team and Dandi Living, we were appointed to develop the most robust environmental, social and governance reporting framework possible to measure the true benefits of the innovative regeneration project. 

Working with the design team, contractor and operational team through practical completion, we developed a reporting and data capture framework to baseline the building, measuring the ESG benefits year on year to demonstrate true ESG performance. 

Website: https://dandi.com/cityliving/dandi-wembley

Case Study
ESG Performance at Dandi Wembley

ESG Performance at Dandi Wembley

As a pioneer creating better living spaces, Dandi Living objective was to take the industry’s leading approach to actively measure and report the ESG performance of their newly finished co-living regeneration project – Dandi Wembley. 

LifeProven were appointed to develop the robust and consistent measurement and reporting framework to accurately capture, analyse and provide consistent insights to enhance performance throughout the operational lifecycle.  

The data capture and analysis framework records live operational data on a daily, monthly and quarterly basis, measuring the measuring the environmental, social and governance performance of the building, with data insights fed back to the building management team on a quarterly basis. 

This approach ensures Dandi are actively understanding how the building influences its people and the planet through use, enabling accurate data driven operational decisions to be made, with outcomes measured in real time. 

The ESG data is captured, recorded and reported year on year, ensuring the assets true operational performance is logged in an ESG Asset Ledger for ultimate transparency to demonstrate performance overtime.

ESG Measurement Framework: Operation


  • Operational Carbon Assessment - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 1, 2, 3 using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
  • Operational Carbon Risk-Assessment - Paris-Aligned Decarbonisation Analysis using Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM)


  • Health & Wellbeing - Real Estate Wellbeing Metric (REWM) used at move-In and annually to measure health & wellbeing Influence on residents, building staff and co-working occupants. 
  • Social Value In Operation - Real Estate Social Value Index to measure social value generated in local community. 
  • Operational Use Insights - Building use, occupancy an interactions levels actively monitored to understand operational outcomes of private and amenity spaces and events programme. 


  • Operational Asset Performance - Analysing building operational performance, maintenance, experiencee, complaints, Incidents to assess. 
  • Corporate Performance - Analysing business performance through management experience, policies, reporting and transparency. 

All data captured is amalgamated into a bespoke ‘Asset ESG Dashboard’ defining key insights, statistics and evidence for each individual building, which is amalgamated into a ‘Portfolio ESG Dashboard’ communicating your wider ESG benefits.

Working with the amazing team and Dandi Living, we were appointed to develop the most robust environmental, social and governance reporting framework possible to measure the true benefits of the innovative regeneration project. 

Working with the design team, contractor and operational team through practical completion, we developed a reporting and data capture framework to baseline the building, measuring the ESG benefits year on year to demonstrate true ESG performance. 

Website: https://dandi.com/cityliving/dandi-wembley

Adam Hinds
project Key Stats
355 Beds
Dandi Living
ESG Performance in Operation
Lifeproven ESG Property Company