ESG Delivery Partner

Actively managing all ESG related activities at a fund level, as a single source partner.

As a dedicated ESG Delivery Partner to real estate investment managers, asset managers and funds, we provide a single-source management and coordination role for all ESG related activities across complex EU and UK-based portfolios.

ESG challenges faced by Real Estate funds

  • Absence or uncoordinated fund specific ESG Strategy
  • Fund and asset compliance has limited coordination between asset upgrade requirements, data collection, reporting and disclosure frameworks
  • Inability to communicate positive portfolio impacts quickly or strategically to investors and industry stakeholders using data-based evidence due to inconsistent or incomplete data collection processes
  • Asset enhancement workstreams are run by multiple supply chain partners at both fund and individual asset level are not fully coordinated and operate in silos, with unequal weighting or consideration for environmental, social or governance requirements
  • Investment teams spending too much time deciphering individual reports that are not coordinated across the portfolio, making decision making inefficient
  • Positive outcomes achieved through strategic asset enhancements are inconsistently captured, recorded, or reported - with missed opportunities in both Social and Governance impact

Our Services

  • Portfolio and asset ESG audits, risk assessments and gap analyses
  • Corporate, Investment, Fund level ESG Strategies
  • ESG Frameworks to manage and appraise material ESG factors
  • Portfolio and asset alignment to third-party standards such as GRI, GRESB
  • Portfolio and asset alignment with key regulations such as ISSB IFRS 1 and 2, TNFD, SFDR, SDR, EU Taxonomy
  • Stakeholder management, coordination and engagement
  • Manage and coordinate ESG related upgrade works, including providing RICS Regulated project delivery and cost advice
  • Manage and coordinate strategic social impact and social value initiatives, measurement standards and optimisation strategies
  • Define ESG related capital expenditure for strategic asset upgrades
  • Set and monitor key ESG data collection responsibilities and milestones
  • Manage and oversee all ESG data collection activities including 3rd party platforms
  • Managing the collation and submission of all 3rd party framework submissions
  • Set and oversee key ESG reporting milestones, for both internal and external audiences
  • Manage all internal ESG progress reports per QTR and per annum, including cloud-dashboard for instant data retrieval

A trusted partner to

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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vitae lectus nisl. Aliquam sit amet orci interdum, ultrices lectus suscipit, auctor arcu. Quisque vestibulum felis quis nulla fringilla, nec placerat ante posuere."


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vitae lectus nisl. Aliquam sit amet orci interdum, ultrices lectus suscipit, auctor arcu. Quisque vestibulum felis quis nulla fringilla, nec placerat ante posuere."



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